Monday, 12 August 2013

book forty-seven: The Sense of an Ending

Sunday 15 September 2013

Our next book is The Sense of an Ending, a 2011 novel written by British author Julian Barnes.  Booker prize winner, New York Times bestseller... this book has a rep to maintain.  Can it do so?

We met at Leigha and Steve's place.

Tim brought the shortlist.

Nicole - DNF
Maree - 14 Enjoyed it, easy to read, felt like reading a well written book.  Didn't pick the twist.
Leigha - 14  Really enjoyed. Possibly will read more of his work.
Tim - 10  A bit ponderous. Better towards the end when things started to happen.
Wendy - 12  Also thought it was a bit slow, but extra ponts for being well written - liked the prose.
Mari - 7 (see comment below)

Average: 11.4


theunreliablenarrator said...

Even though I didn't come to last book club, I've now finished the book and I need a mini rant. That was a BAD BOOK! I can't believe it won the Man Booker prize. The unreliable narrator has been done so many times that I can't see what was so special about this re-telling. As to the denouement - it's ridiculously far fetched. How the hell can that possibly have been Tony's fault???? So he wrote a malicious letter. Big deal. Grown up people need to take responsibility for their own lives. Even though I can't vote anymore, if I could this would be a 7 out of 17. I wouldn't have taken this much offence if it didn't win the Man Booker prize.

Unknown said...

Well I liked it.