The short stories that make up this book were made into a television miniseries by HBO, available in Australia to stream on Presto or purchase on iTunes or you could go old-skool and get the DVDs. The TV show won eight Emmy awards. Of course, being a bookclub and not a TV club - read the book before you watch it!
We met at Monika's place.
Mari will bring the shortlist.
Ratings (out of 17):
Monica - 15 liked unconventional novel style, interlinking characters. Liked Olive, a bit different. Found interesting enough to go to another book of same author. Am finding more about Olive in second book.
Mari - 10 didn't dislike but didn't read enough to really like it. Too slow, didn't grab me. Too loosely woven. Meet one character and then they're gone.
Terri 8 - that's it.
Maree 15 - really enjoyed it. I finished it. I liked that it wasn't neatly pulled together and the characters made a lot of sense to me. Maybe a lot not likeable about Olive but it seemed true to life. Especially re mental health issues.
Leigha 14 - could recognise a lot in Olive from a close relative who is a retired teacher. Some characters didn't add value which bothered her a bit. Expected them to return, but they didn't. Quite enjoyed major characters.
Johanna 13 but being generous. Easy and enjoyable but not life changing. Ploughed through happily enough; did not offend. Liked the small story format. Interesting characters.
Average: 12.5
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